Valentine Heart Friday Crochet Pattern

Crochet hearts make the perfect eco-friendly solution for face scrubbies, combining sustainability with skincare. Crafted with soft, yet durable yarn, these scrubbies provide a gentle exfoliating effect that helps cleanse the skin without irritation. Not only are they washable and reusable, making them a cost-effective alternative to disposable cotton pads, but they also reduce waste, contributing to a cleaner planet. Adding a loop and a tassel turns these scrubbies into charming decorative ornaments, making them a lovely addition to any bathroom or as a thoughtful handmade gift. With crochet hearts, you’re not only pampering your skin but also doing your part for the environment and your wallet! The structure makes them perfect as washable and reusable face scrubbies with an exfoliating effect. Good for your skin, your wallet and for the environment! Add a loop and a tassel and use them as decorative ornaments. Hang them on gifts or why not on a bottle for Valentine or you can also make a garland out of them or use them as key chains, car charms or bag charms. Maybe even use reflective yarn for some extra safety in the dark. You can even make big heart shaped potholders or wall hangings by using macramé rope and a bigger crochet hook. Only your imagination sets the limit! 

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Valentine Heart Friday Crochet Pattern

Click the link below for the Crochet pattern:

Crochet heart “Frejdis” by AnimoDesignShop