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Knit Paula’s Scarfette Free Knitting Pattern
This is a simple little scarfette that makes the perfect quick last minute gift knit. It can be easily knit in a day. ...
Knit That Nice Stitch Cowl Free Knitting Pattern
Knit yourself a warm cowl to beat the coldness outside! I have shared some fabulous yarn projects for the cold days, including the crochet hat, crochet...
Crochet Everly Head Wrap Free Crochet Patterns – All Sizes
We are still in the holiday mode, and it is chilly outside and looking for some quick crochet project to stay fabulous at the...
Christmas Crochet Reindeer Applique Free Crochet Patterns
Started planning for the holidays and made a Rudolph and Santa’s reindeer applique pattern. Christmas is right in the corner, in addition to all those Christmas crafts for...
Crochet Bear Hood Free Crochet Patterns & Paid
Make an adorable and cozy crochet bear hood with this free crochet pattern. I have shared a lot of crochet projects already, including the crochet...
Crochet Ruffled Headband Cowl Combo Free Crochet Pattern
Crochet Ruffled Headband Cowl Combo to keep you warm in the cold and convertible for head and neck warmth! I have shared a lot of...
DIY Sock Reindeer Free Sew Pattern & Tutorial
Christmas is right in the corner, in addition to all those Christmas crafts for holiday decoration, you may need some reindeer crochet project to your little ones,...
Easy Crochet Braid Scarf Cowl Free Crochet Pattern – Video
Looking for some stylish cold weather projects? I have a bunch of them, including the crochet hat, crochet cowl, and crochet cardigan to keep your warm in cold weather. ...
Crochet Mr Fox Fingerless Gloves Free Crochet Pattern
Crochet some mittens to keep your hands warm in Winter. Any plan to travel in snowy area? The DIY Adorable Fingerless Owl Gloves(Mittens) is perfect for...
Crochet Floral Ear Muffs Free Crochet Pattern
Crochet Floral Ear Muffs to protect your ears and keep fabulous looking at the same time. There are so many crochet projects featured for cold weather,...