Mystical Lanterns Blanket Crochet Pattern

This crochet Mystical Lanterns Blanket is a captivating work of art that combines intricate stitching techniques to create a stunning, textured masterpiece. Built upon a foundation of granny hexagons, the blanket showcases a striking interplay of post stitches and the Diamond Stitch, giving it a unique depth and dimension. The granny hexagons are arranged in a mesmerizing pattern, each one framed by rich, colorful post stitches that add visual interest and enhance the overall structure. The Diamond Stitch, used in strategic sections of the design, forms elegant, geometric shapes that evoke the mystique of lanterns glowing in the dark, making the blanket feel both magical and cozy. Ideal for adding warmth and personality to any room, the Mystical Lanterns Blanket is a perfect combination of traditional crochet techniques and modern flair, making it a timeless piece that’s sure to be admired and cherished. The pattern for the lantern shape motif is based on a granny hexagon pattern, but Jane has made a few changes to come up with the curved design that tesselates. Handmade Crochet blankets can be another warm addition to your home and bedding? I have shares other rainbow Baby Blanket Free Patterns you can check them out. These cabled blankets feature post stitches, the Diamond Stitch, as well as a centerpiece cable that is sure to delight!

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Mystical Lanterns Blanket Crochet Pattern

Click the link here for Paid crochet pattern:

Mystical Lanterns Blanket by Jane Crowfoot

Mystical Lanterns Blanket Crochet Pattern

Click the link here for Paid crochet pattern:

Mystical Lanterns Blanket by Jane Crowfoot

Mystical Lanterns Blanket Crochet Pattern

Click the link here for Paid crochet pattern(IMAGE):

Mystical Lanterns Blanket by Jane Crowfoot

Mystical Lanterns Scarf Crochet Pattern

Click the link here for Paid crochet pattern(IMAGE):

Mystical Lanterns Scarf by Jane Crowfoot