Nothing beats fresh onions for your salads, dips or soup. But how can you ensure a supply of fresh onions at hand all the time? How do you like this idea of growing onions in the recycled plastic bottles vertically in Kitchen? This DIY Plastic Bottle Vertical Onion Tower Planter allows you to grow as many onion as you want in a very small space. You can easily fit this in your window garden right next to your kitchen, or anywhere in your garden without consuming a lot of garden space that could otherwise be used for planting other vegetables, Cheap, practical and Kids friendly.
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Supplies You Need:
- Flower Clay Pot + Planter Saucer for water dripping
- Plastic Bottle, bigger one recommend
- Potting Soil & Fertilizer
- Marker + Circle Template
- Craft Knife or Sharp Scissors
- Hand Trowel
- Most Important Fresh Onion Head

Place the soil with fertilizer into planter pot, since there is hole of pot bottom, place is planter saucer is recommend. Cut off the top part of plastic bottle, and cut circles around the body of plastic bottle. Drill a hole at the bottom to prevent planter rotten for watering. Choose small sized onion.

Now the fun parent-kid part, plant your onion with the head pointing outside, kids will be happy to do, cover with dirt after a layer.

Rearrange the onion positions to make sure the onion head is outwards, you can adjust them to make them tilt upward for a certain angle, too. Watering and wait for the magic

You can get step by step instructions via the link: Onion tree from Egorka. Or get the square plastic bottle onion gardening tips via the link here: How to Grow Onions Vertically On The Windowsill