Looking for something to craft for your kitchen or send as gift for your friends? Coasters is a good choice, we have so many DIY Coaster Tutorials on our sites, crochet or easy crafted. And today we are going to share with you a fun and easy coasters that you can play with your sharpies!
Everything looks so quirky, scribble on tiles with sharpies, and your kids can help, even the toddlers.
Kids will be happy if you tell them how easy it can do to create these beautiful tiles quickly and for less than 10 bucks! All supplies you need are:
- White ceramic tiles
- Rubbing alcohol
- Varnish Coating or Polyurethane to seal the color and add glossing finish.
Thanks for Caitlin for this exciting experimental craft idea, you can learn how to in details here: COASTING INTO SPRING